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深圳市担持检测技术有限公司是于2011年在深圳市市场监督管理局依法登记设立的科技型服务企业。为企业提供标准化的检测方案、标准化或非标检测设备及其维护保养服务。 Shenzhen DANCHI testing technology Co.,Ltd. was founded in 2011 under Market Supervision Administration of Shenzhen Municipality. We dedicated to provide standardized testing plan,standardized/customized equipment and its M/R service. 公司精神: 大事小事看担当, 成功失败看坚持; Our spirit: Matters grave or trifle depends on responsibility; Triumph or failure relies on perseverance. 公司价值: 用我们专业的检测知识,为客户提供适合的检测服务或检测设备; Our value: Provide proper testing service and equipment using our professional acknowledge. 公司愿景: 做检测行业的公共平台,为检测需求企业与检测机构牵线搭桥; Our mission: To be the public platform in testing industry; To be the bridge between customer companies and testing ORGs. 公共检测平台是担持公司倾力打造的检测行业信息化平台。该...[详细介绍]
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